Speaking of erotica and discussions, Tuesday night’s Naked Reader discussion went great! It was really active and we almost hit 500 posts!

But moving on to the real reason I’ve got you here: erotica! There’s so many different types out there that include almost every kind of fetish imaginable.  This particular book, Playing With Fire, deals mostly with, well, you guessed it: fire.  And other hot things too.

The entire book is a collection of 22 different stories edited together by Alison Tyler.  Each story, save for 1, features heat in some manner.  While some stories involve fire in its physical form, some take fire to just be intense heat, like that of a heat wave in the country. The very last story of the book is a tale about water, which Tyler states is a “cool refreshing finale to a crackling collection.”

Every single story in this book is well written, and seems to focus more on the experience of the whole thing and the character(s)  rather than physical act itself.

If you’re into erotica and the taboo of heat and fire, then Playing With Fire is a great addition to your erotica collection.

To read my original and more comprehensive review on Playing With Fire, click here, and to get 15% off of your entire order on EdenFantasys with absolutely no minimum whatsoever, just enter the code EW4 in at the checkout.

Stay sexy 😉